The Great Fresco

The Great Fresco

Authentic Movement,
contemplative practice
and "mural" creation

Workshop in residency,
with Catherine Lessard

July 11 to 13, 2014
(Arrival Friday 5PM -
end Sunday 5PM)

At the retreat center
L'Autre Versant, in Mille-Isles
(50 minutes from Montreal) :

In the Authentic Movement practice, there are the rules, relatively few but necessary to  ensure the safety of everyone (physically and emotionally), and to help each individual to become a responsible owner of their experience. Then, when the foundations are established, there's the intuition, or the incredible co-existence of our reality and our creative potential.

photo Michael Slobodian

The Great Fresco is a proposal that is both collective and personal. It's an intimate adventure with self and with art (simple art, that come from enthusiasm - wether one considers himself an artist or not).

It's an encounter with one's inner mover and inner witness, in a shared movement of aliveness.

During this unique voyage, Authentic Movement will be our home structure, with its three phases :

movement : a time for closing the eyes, diving into the unconscious, moving, listening, 
                      resting, launching onself, watching, receiving, feeling, holding, ...

transition : a time for reflexion, noticing, finding back a followed path, awakening of a
                     memory, an image, a consciousness, drawing, creating, opening wings, ...

- exchange : a time for communicating, sharing in autonomy, witnessing, hearing with
                    generosity, taking ownership, offering oneself, harvesting, archiving, ...

Through this simple yet powerful form, as well as through integration exercises (morning ritual, vocal meditation, walk in nature) and moments of rest, we will feed the emergence of a Great Fresco, we will create a collective mural of our "return to consciousness".

This workshop targets people who practice a form of physical education (dance, somatic work, yoga, martial arts, etc), OR a form of meditation, of conscious communication, of artistic approach or of spiritual process.

Costs : $175 ($145 if registration before June 25)
Reservation confirmed upon reception of a $75 N/R deposit.

Housing & meals in addition :
varies from $125 (in tent) to $185 (according to type of room).

To reserve housing, please contact directly the Center :
Possibility to discuss directly with the cooks
for any allergy or health issue.

How to register? : see at the bottom of this page.

photo Véro Boncompagni
Catherine Lessard transmits the key principles of dance improvisation, contact improvisation and Authentic Movement since 15 years, with the passion and the coherence of a visionary. She teaches and performs in Canada, Europe and the USA. Her unique pedagogy combines scientific sharpness and a profound sense of imagery/poetry, in a deep atmosphere of discovery. She has performed and studied with Nancy Stark-Smith, Zoe Avstreih, Daniel Lepkoff, Nita Little, among others.

Registration modalities

Please reserve, through email or phone at, 514.518.6240 or 450.939.3007.

Then confirm your registration by sending a N/R deposit :

>> throught email interac transfer at (canadian banks), also send the answer to your security question;

>> through cheque made out to Catherine Lessard, sent at 873 Leonard, Ste-Therese, Qc, J7E 2N8, Canada;

>> through Paypal by clicking on the button appearing in the events webpage (write the amount then update);

>> in cash, if we meet before the deadline for registration.

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