Contact Improv on Thursday evenings


For health reasons, the series ended on May 7. (Classes scheduled for May 14-21-28 are subsequently canceled.) All other SOURCES activities are maintained. Thank you for your comprehension.

"Évolution Sol - Air !"
An exploration of our possibilities for anchorage and momentum, with the floor, the other beings and the environment.

Photo by Benoît Dhennin (dancers : Moti & Catherine)
Contact Improvisation classes with Catherine Lessard
Thursdays, March 19 to May 28, 7 to 9PM
In the Plateau : at 2020 Mt-Royal East, Montreal
$185/season, $20/class

Let's meet the floor as an indispensable ally and a multi-dimensional support. Then let's emerge with ease and grace, thanks to our body alinement and our capacity to play the game of forces. Let's meet the others and the space, and become a prolonging of the earth and a fundamental energy source for contact and creativity. Let's find our lightness through reciprocal support, physical trust, adaptable gaze, spirals, commitment and free & directed impulsions.

We will explore our physical link to all things, as an inspiration for connections to one-another and effortless improvisations. This series of classes offers an opportunity for deep and revealing work, fostering organes-skeleton-tissues collaboration, kinesthetic attention and various qualities of Body-Mind states.

Important : wear long pieces of clothing (long sleeves and pants to the ankles) for more comfort.

Reservations are confirmed upon reception of a $70 minimum deposit :
- through e-transfer to (+ send the answer to the security question)
- through AccesD (write or call to obtain banking digits)
- through cheque made payable to Catherine Lessard, 873 Léonard, Ste-Thérèse, Qc, J7E 2N8
- through paypal (with or without an account) by clicking on the button below : 

Information : or 514.518.6240.

Registration modalities

Please reserve, through email or phone at, 514.518.6240 or 450.939.3007.

Then confirm your registration by sending a N/R deposit :

>> throught email interac transfer at (canadian banks), also send the answer to your security question;

>> through cheque made out to Catherine Lessard, sent at 873 Leonard, Ste-Therese, Qc, J7E 2N8, Canada;

>> through Paypal by clicking on the button appearing in the events webpage (write the amount then update);

>> in cash, if we meet before the deadline for registration.

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